Beta Chapter Blogs

From bibbed overalls to blazers, our Baby Bulls have stories to tell. From time spent walking corn rows to honing leadership skills, the women of Purdue Sigma Alpha are always on the move. Learn more from our lovely ladies by reading about their experiences below!

  • My Roots in Agriculture - Alexandra Merritt

    Personal passions all begin with a spark. For Alexandra, her love for the agriculture industry began on her very own family farm. Learn more about what makes this way-of-life unique and what she does to cultivate this passion.

  • Why i'll always choose agriculture - Saydie wyrick

    Everyone dreads the thought of losing a family member. For Saydie, it was the agriculture industry that provided strength through the tough time of adjusting to one less familiar face on the family farm. Learn more about how the ag industry was the Wyrick family’s saving grace.